Sykes Hall

Sykes Hall exhibits are back in 2022! More info coming soon!


2022 Sponsorship opportunities are now available. Learn more.


Booking vendors now for the 2022 Loudoun County Fair. Apply now.

Glenwood Show | April 9, 2022

Loudoun County Fair | July 26–July 30, 2022

Miss Roxanne Howard

Miss Roxanne Howard

Miss Roxanne Howard is the recipient of a 2021 Loudoun Fair & Associates scholarship in the amount of $2,500.  Roxanne is a graduate of Loudoun Valley High School.  She has been an active member of 4-H for nine years in the Leaps and Squeaks Rabbit and Cavy Club and has previously been enrolled in the Loudoun Sheep and Goat Clubs.  Roxanne has served in multiple leadership positions over the course of her 4-H career including holding the offices of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Reporter.  Additionally, since its introduction in 2017, Roxanne has served on the Loudoun County 4-H Honor Council.  The Honor Council is a select group of senior 4-H members who are responsible for organizing and implementing countywide 4-H activities and promoting 4-H in the community.  In 2019, Roxanne was inducted as a Virginia 4-H All Star—the highest recognition a 4-Her can achieve.

Roxanne is a huge supporter of the Loudoun County Fair.  In addition to her routine club duties, over the years she has helped make a scholarship quilt for the auction, organized the rabbit portion of the Round Robin competition, arranged and emceed the Animal Dress Up competition, and served in Sykes Hall with set up, entry intake, and as a judging assistant.  In 2017, when her family hosted a 4-H Japanese Exchange Student, Roxanne brought her to the Fair each day to share the experience and to help educate her about Virginia agriculture.

Outside of 4-H and the Fair, Roxanne has contributed to the community by tutoring, participating in donation drives, hosting foreign exchange students, and volunteering for The Cats at Longstreet, a local cat rescue.  In addition, she has been a dedicated member and leader of various Odyssey of the Mind teams that have won regional, state, and world-wide competitions.

In the fall, Roxanne will be attending Virginia Tech to pursue a degree in Animal Science.  The Loudoun Fair & Associates Board of Directors is honored to recognize and congratulate Roxanne on all her past achievements and wishes her well in her future pursuits.

Miss Sarah Noel

Miss Sarah Noel

Miss Sarah Noel is the recipient of a 2021 Loudoun Fair & Associates scholarship in the amount of $2,000.  Sarah is a graduate of Loudoun County High School.  She first joined 4-H in 2008 and is a current member the Leaps and Squeaks Rabbit and Cavy Club.  She has served in multiple leadership roles helping to coordinate and execute club meetings, events, and service projects.  As an experienced senior member, Sarah assisted the club’s adult leaders by mentoring younger members.  She also served as a 4-H camp counselor in 2019.  In the spring of 2021, Sarah was selected to receive the 4-H All Star Award—the highest recognition a 4-Her can earn.

Sarah has consistently supported the Loudoun County Fair.  She served several years as a judging assistant for Sykes Hall exhibits.  In her roles as Little Miss (2013) and Junior Miss (2018) Loudoun County Fair, Sarah helped with the livestock shows’ award ribbons and actively promoted the Fair to the public.  In addition to her routine responsibilities, she helped with planting and maintaining her club’s garden area as a pleasant display for Fair patrons and actively participated in her club’s educational demonstrations.

Beyond her 4-H and Fair involvement, Sarah has dedicated herself to service in the wider Loudoun community.  She has steadfastly volunteered with the Claude Moore Community Builder program, Backpack Buddies, Ketterman’s Charm Girl program, and Girls on the Run.

Sarah has been accepted into the Virginia Tech Honor College where she will study neuroscience.  The Loudoun Fair & Associates Board of Directors congratulates Sarah on her past achievements and wishes her much success in her future endeavors.

Mr. Noah Esper

Mr. Noah Esper

Mr. Noah Esper is the recipient of a 2021 Loudoun Fair & Associates scholarship in the amount of $1,500.  Noah is a graduate of Broad Run High School and the Academies of Loudoun.  He has been an active member of 4-H for eight years in the Eastern Loudoun Community Club and Shooting Education Club. During this time, he has served in various club officer positions including Vice President, Treasurer, Reporter, and Historian.  In addition to his club involvement, Noah has participated in a wide variety of county, district, and state-level 4-H activities including 4-H Day at the Capitol, 4-H Shooting Camp, Presentation Day, Share the Fun, 4-H District Contest, and Leadership Washington Focus.  Noah was inducted as a 4-H All-Star in 2020.

Although he hasn’t ever been a livestock exhibitor, Noah still volunteered his support and service to the annual Loudoun County Fair over the years.  He has assisted with clean up, flag raising and lowering, working in the Ice Cream Shack, as well as hosting hands-on STEM activities for Fair patrons.

In the wider community, Noah has been very involved in the Boy Scouts of America.  He received his Eagle Scout award in 2020 and has volunteered many hours in programs such as Scouting for Food, Honor Flight, Backpack Buddies, and Cub Scout day camps.

Noah will be attending Penn State University pursuing a degree in Business Economics.  He also plans to join the U. S. Marine Reserves.  The Loudoun Fair & Associates Board of Directors congratulates Noah on all his accomplishments and wishes him well in the future.

Miss Arielle Knight

Miss Arielle Knight

Miss Arielle Knight is the recipient of a 2021 Loudoun Fair & Associates scholarship in the amount of $1,000.  She is a graduate of The Knight Homeschool and has successfully completed college level courses through Liberty University’s online program.  Arielle has been a 4-H member for five years in the Loudoun Sheep, Goat, and Canterlopes horse clubs.  She has served in various club officer positions including President, Vice President, and Secretary.  During her 4-H career, Arielle has participated in numerous club sponsored community service projects.  In 2020, she was inducted as a 4-H All Star.  At the Loudoun County Fair Arielle has always demonstrated good sportsmanship and been attentive to her responsibilities.

Arielle has been very active with her church serving in the Children’s Ministry, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and the AWANA program.  She was recognized in the 10th District Young Women’s Leadership Program and has participated in Vector Speech and Debate, a competition forensics club.

In the fall Arielle will be studying Law & Policy and Paralegal Studies at Liberty University.  The Loudoun Fair & Associates Board of Directors congratulates Arielle on her accomplishments and wishes her success in the future.